Thursday, September 15, 2016


Wow can you believe we have super computers in our pockets and use them to contribute to the further dumbing down of our race at an alarming rate so alarming that we gave up caring long ago because humanity has been bred to believe it's as worthless as the deity of money we currently bow to?

It's actually not such new technology. We've always had it. Or should I say that they've always had it. For 3000 years the ass clowns have deceived us. Taken advantage of the last time this solar system entered into our orbit and took out those advanced civilisations who made pyramids and etched rubies in ways we still can't replicate. Yeah those amazing feats we now gloss over because we have a fart app on a phone.

After the cataclysm they took advantage and created a fucking empirically unproven skylord via a weaponised language based on the sex is bad guilt doctrine where anything after breathing was a sin. From there on in it was a cakewalk. They created government as a device with a human face to cloak and deceive in tandem with the church. Backed by an economy as the real deity with no value whatsoever to keep us working in a slavery system that has year over proven to create more poverty for the ever growing masses and we just accept it.

The system is so blatantly shit we have become like an elephant tied to a pole for two years and eventually when the chain is removed we are totally conditioned. So much so everybody here in America has a fucking GUN to fight back and the 2nd amendment as insurance and they just just taking it up the ass like a country full of anal lovers.

The story about the blonde haired blue eyed people witch lived inside the hollow earth and gave aviation expert Mr Bird technology when he flew to the pole is bullshit. Yeah these very same people Hitler was seeking out actually existed but they were these generations of knowledge possessing assholes who still run the show They... The powers that be. That created this who bullshit system fuelled hitler giving him tech to do what the fuck he wanted because he was controlling population. That's why America came in so late. To drag out as many deaths as possible then swoop in and reclaim their tech and put it back in their fucking underground bunkers currently being filled with supplies, their lies and GOLD!

Flying saucer type propulsion, cloaking, lasers, sun simulators, the fucking Internet this shit has always been around. Heartless cunts like the Rothchilds who had his 7th heart transplant. He's used up 7 fucking hearts. Need I say any fucking more??? There's your definition of heartless running the world!

Here's the deal no holding back. NASA are covering up so much shit. The government are just the stooges to protect NASA and the generations of whatever you want to call the "Illuminati" types currently selling everything for gold. They are getting ready to go underground. For fuck sake there was a brand new planet conveniently discovered a few weeks ago to be exactly like earth. Oh and our sun is fucking dying. The coronal tears, brightness depletion and bizarre eruptions are all signs of a dying star or one that is being drained.

Our skies, water, food have all been modified and there is a bunch of patented energy harvesting devices floating around draining the sun of its last fucking resources like everything else they sucked up on earth. And every planet in our solar system is heating up from within going through radical weather changes as the magnetosphere on each planet is now out of whack because....

They are hiding an entire fucking solar system approaching us rapidly and not one "normal" person has a minute to spare to not take a photo of their shitty dinner for their never to me met and mostly not really friends who are their friends on Facebook to question something. Because questions now mean "conspiracy" thanks to our weaponised shit language. And conspiracy means nutcase to society. This is classic psych 101 manifestation of an entire world majority "normal" population. So they gang up on people who exercise our natural curiosity to question instead now to the point that nobody cares or does anymore.

We have all been submissive losers for the past 3000 years. They can't cover up these planets, brown stars and moons much longer before they are in our skyline like a Hollywood movie. Using shitty chemtrails and a basic year 7 science magnifying glass trick only on a bigger scale won't work much much longer.

NASA Solar Sun Simulator Patent Info 1

Luckily they have made small warnings to to us that we need to prepare. But not to actually save anyone. But to expose the people on the ball running the alternative media in the face of the dogshit media fed to is by the RICH KNOWLEDGE HOLDING 1% ASSHOLES WHO STARTED ALL THIS.

So now we are exposed for the CDC to detain once the David Rockefeller patented ZIKA VIRUS plan gets the ok. Same time they will project JESUS in the fucking sky for the mentally ill religious tards and UFO's are taking over projected blue beam shit to the half of Idiocracy society.

THE BEST PART! Will be the threat of nuclear war if we don't comply. All this for no reason whatsoever because we have no meaning of life apart from 42. But all those 42 believers will be already gassed in camps thanks to Hitlers trial run previously. Ultimately none of this matters because you can't stop NIBIRU from its path and the poles shifting to a scenario very similar to the Bible's catastrophic ending.

NASA Solar Sun Simulator Patent Info 2

It's the only bit in the bible that has meaning because they knew it was coming. They knew it couldn't be stopped. It was the perfect end the the doctrine and failsafe threat to keep idiots faithful to the entire bullshit story of GOD. Jesus was only included in the rewrite to once again put a human face on the crap. And even then his image of Hope was a brutal death nailed to wood as a life goal for humanity.

Fuck I'm so livid and I have a terminal illness and would love go and pump as many rounds of bullets as I can into high ranking politicians, Rothchilds, heads of pharmaceuticals and any other cunt who rolls with these assholes.

Because they will survive and most of us wont. The ones that will survive will be the dipshit easily lead following fucktards who nicely provide this entire scenario to repeat itself after the world heals or they go to their new home to inevitably fuck up.

The biggest joke of all is we have THE INTERNET to communicate so quickly and powerfully that as soon as a Kardashian farts we know about it but are too busy focusing on Pokèmon Go currently to FUCKING SEE A BUNCH OF GIANT PLANETS IN OUR FUCKING SKY RIGHT NOW!

Why bother?

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