Not only can you download the "Gender Optimized 2.0" CD online but I've also digitally re-released the first two DreadCircus recordings "Word & Music" and the ep "DC". Both CD's are available through iTunes, Amazon, Napster, Zune, Rhapsody and many others shortly. It feels great to finally have all my DreadCircus CD's available online so I can focus ahead on the new CD I'm working on.

No longer can you buy physical copies of my first 2 DreadCircus CD's only digitally as I wont be pressing any more due to CD's almost being dead. So jump over to iTunes and hear the CD's from my early transition period compared to my last CD.
Don't forget you can always download my tunes from my widget located to the right hand side of this blog. Click the buy button and it will direct you straight to my iTunes page. You can also use the widget to check out my latest shows, follow my tweets and watch my youtube videos. Give it a try!!
Until next time..
Do What Makes You Happy - Jade Starr x
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